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I love him + he gets on my nerves

Are people even still blogging? Is that a thing? If so, apparently I am not reading them anymore. Journaling. That's what this is. For posterity and in case I get to write my memoirs one day or my offspring needs to find something buried in my archives.

I realized as I was saying out loud to Randall (the well dressed man measuring Tony for new shirts) at Sid Mashburn on Saturday that I have a 14 year old and a 10 year old. That's pretty crazy. He gave me a wine glass filled with something pale and yellow and of an adult nature and I proceeded to consider that and be inspired by all Ann + Sid have created and the style and flair and intention of it all and the price tags. Whew... Lawd.. those price tags... but I digress. They are finally old enough that if we want to scoot off for a couple of hours and play I dont have to arrange a person to babysit (them) and that's what we did! Scooted off for a perfectly lovely two hours that ended in dropping off several donation bags of sweaters and such to the Salvation Army (the real reason we left the house). Randomly I took a few photos that inspired me along the way. Including one of myself. I inspired me.

I hope you have a great week. I plan to give it my very best shot.


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